Some Thoughts about FEAR.....

Dx E
on 12/14/07 10:23 am, edited 7/16/08 10:43 am - Northern, MS

F is for…..FEAR!

I’ve seen several folks out here dealing with the anxiety of upcoming surgery
And thought I’d re-post-
(a few years old- Please skip if not an interest…)
Some Thoughts about FEAR…..

Best Wishes-

Information in the Post
Has been Moved to-


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

Angie Conley
on 12/14/07 10:34 am - Middletown , OH
I wish I had gotten to read this before my surgery. I was terrified. Had I seen this before I may not have been so scared. Thanks Dx!!
Dx E
on 12/14/07 10:37 am - Northern, MS
I've stumbled across 4 or 5 folks today dealing with the "Pre-Op Jitters" And thought I'd drop it out. Hope it's helpful to some... Best Wishes- Dx
kindredspirit fl
on 12/14/07 10:43 am - islander, FL
BRAVOI can't tell you how much that means to me.I am such a scaredy cat.i have to be constantly talking myself back into this.i am so afraid of flying and of surgery.but you are so right in the scheme of things this is going to be thge least of my worries and it will keep me compliant for fear of srewing it up.thanks

kindred spirits

colleen F.
on 12/14/07 11:00 am - Muskegon, MI
Hmmm, I have to say with surgery on its way in Jan. I do feel better after reading your post.  It did make a lot of sense and I needed to hear (read) it. Thank you, Colleen
Dx E
on 12/14/07 11:37 am - Northern, MS
Glad to be of Help! Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 12/14/07 10:56 am - espyville, PA
I just want to say thank you so much i really needed that i have had the jitters for at least a week now and more so since the other day when a coworker who was at another table enjoying his ham dinner at our work christmas party saw me reading over my paper work  and drinking my liquid  lunch which i am on for my 2 week liquid diet well anyways he asked me are you thinking about having that surgery i spoke up and said that i am having it done on the 26th of this month well he continued to tell me his sister had it done and why do you want it it`s a horible surgery his sister almost died twice of complications and there is better ways of loosing weight  i`ve noticed since i`ve decided to have this surgery (which i didnt go into lightly) that peoples reactions are so surprising my mother in law who i thought would be totally against is all for it and some of my coworkers are so against it.Well to say the least i was shakin up from his comments and plan on staying away from him for a while. sorry i`m so long winded. Thank you so much again it helped to read this.....">">>
Dx E
on 12/14/07 11:43 am - Northern, MS
Long Winded? Yeh, if there's one thing I can't stand, It's long posts on the Boards! OFF I'm known as "Wordy" and probably should use the avatar- Glad to be helpful in easing anxiety! Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

on 12/14/07 6:49 pm - CA
thank you for posting that.  i'm  a bit jittery and haven't even had my initial consult yet!
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